III. The commercial, fishing and marina ports

Study, assistance and advice on:

  • Port planning in relation with: ports creation, extension, specialization and dry ports implantation.
  • Sustainable development of ports according to the hinterland, their regional and international vocation and transport technologies.
  • Administration’s regulation and port management by public or private entities or public-private partnership.
  • Port service assessment to ships , goods and operators involved in the ports and improving the quality of rendered services
  • Flows organization of into and out of traffic port:
    • Connectivity with shore network transport.
    • Transit and stowage fees and port service dues.
    • Information data processing and procedures facilitation.
    • Fishing products treatment (fishing port).
    • Conviviability and leisure services (marina).
  • The development of emergency response plan for security, safety, health and marine pollution.